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Our culture

Make it better than it was before.
I'm very fortunate to work for a company that allows me to test new ideas and tactics. Ecommerce is constantly changing and as algorithms, devices and technology improve, you have to implement new strategies and ideas if you want to remain on top. It's difficult when you fail, but it is far worse never to have tried to succeed. It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.

Petros Mavroudis
Make it better than it was before
State immidiately your thought and be open to any suggestion
Always give each other the benefit of the doubt. Always
It is o.k. to say, "I am sorry"..., "I am wrong", "...I do not know."
Lead by example and walk your talk
Focus on what is important, not urgent
Always do what you say you are going to do
Be responsive
None of us is as good as all of us
Always do what is in the best interest of the property business
Test it. ... Don'’t be afraid to fail
Test it... don't be afraid to fail.
A couple of things attracted Vangelis as he considered joining AB Intra Hospitality. One was the opportunity to build AB Intra Hospitality. Another reason was because he believes companies with a strong, active culture are the most successful. It's not how we work, it's how we live.

Vangelis Mantzolis